Tuesday 24 May 2016

Monday 23 May 2016

[photo] More photoes from Saltstraumen!


Remember when I went to Saltstraumen? Well, here are some more photoes! 

 Look at the birds in the right corner! There were so many families there.

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Thursday 19 May 2016

[Photo] Saltstrumen, strongest tidal current in the world.

I'm so lucky to be living not far away from Saltstrumen, AKA one of the strongest tidal current in the world. At this picture you do not see much movement, due to it was taken around that hour where the water "stands still". Isn't it lovely?? :)

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Wednesday 13 April 2016

Oppskrift på sjokoladekake (uten egg) med nutella, jordbær og kiwi!

Bakte denne kaken til min svigermor i bursdagsgave. Den falt i smak både hos store og små! Det er en tre lags sjokoladekake med nutella, jordbær og kiwi, toppet med marshmellows fondant !

Ingredienser kake:
10dl hvetemel
5 dl sukker
2 ts vaniljesukker
4 topper med bakekakao
1 ss natron
1 ts bakepulver
1 pk kulturmelk eller kefir
150g smør 
1 pk jordbær
6 kiwi

Slik gjør du:
1. Smelt smøret først, og la det stå å avkjøle seg litt i mens du blander hvetemelet, sukkeret, vaniljesukkeret, kakaoen, natroen og bakepulveret i en stor bolle.
2. Tilsett litt av kefiren, etterfulgt av alt smøret mens du rører forsiktig. Ha i litt og litt mer kefir til du har brukt opp hele pakken og rør ut alle klumpene.
3. Nå alle klumpene er borte, heller du det i en langpanne 30x40 cm, eller i mange små som jeg gjorde.
4. Stekes midt i ovnen på 200°C i 45-50 min. Mine trengte bare 45, da de var mange små. 

Ingredienser til all pynt:
200g marshmellows
500g melis
2ss vann til fondanten, og litt ekstra for å fjerne maisenna melet.
2ss smør
1pk maisenna mel. 
1/2 plate sjokolade for å skrive
Mat farger av ønsket valg. 

Jeg laget kakene dagen før, så jeg pakket dem bare inn i aluminiumsfolie og la de i kjøleskapet til dagen etter. Derimot etter kakebakingen laget jeg marshmellowfondanten, oppskrift på den finner du: Her!

Så da dagen kom, tok jeg fram den ene firkantete kaken jeg hadde baket, og delte den i tre. For å ha jordbærene og kiwiene ferskes mulig ventet jeg med å skjære de opp til dette tidspunktet. Jeg brukte en eggdeler for dele dem i skiver etter å ha fjernet skall og uønsket sider som blir for små.

1. Tok det øverste laget å la det nederst. Smurte på nutella og kiwiskiver.
2. Tok det midterste laget å la nutella på det også, og jordbær.
3. Til sist tok jeg bunden og la på top for å få det flatest mulig, og satte det inn i kjøleskapet.
4. Mens kaken sto i kjøleskapet, kjevlet jeg ut lokket til kaken, og da jeg var ferdig tok jeg kaken ut og  kledde den med fondant. Pynten var laget dagen før, og restene av den hvite fondanten farget jeg rosa, rullet ut og limte på kaken sammen med pynten. Jeg brukte spiselig lim, men hvis du ikke har det kan du ta litt av fondanten med samme farge og blande det ut med litt vann. Det skal bli en klissete masse, lignende av lim/gips.
5. Så smeltet jeg mørk sjokolade, og skrev "Gratulerer" på kaken. 

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How to make homemade Marshmellow-Fondant !

Since so many people keep asking me how I make MMF, I've decided to give an explanation on how to make one.

200 g Marshmellow
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons melted butter
500g icing sugar
a cup of corn starch

Procedure on MMF:
1 Take 200 g marshmellow in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of water.
2 Insert in the micro until they are inflated/melted. (If you don't have mirco, read tips further down)
NOTE: You must be looking, because this can go fast!
3 When the marshmallows is finished, stir and add the icing sugar until you manage to make a "lump" of it. If you want the whole fondant in same color, please add the food coloring now. Wrap it in plastic when you're done.

This is where you can choose to go two different ways.
  1. You can leave the MMF in the fridge for as long has you want, has long as you keep it completely sealed. NOTE: Leaving it over night will also make the color on the fondant stronger.
  2. Let it cool down in the fridge at least one hour before use. I will not recommend start using it right away, when its all soften and difficult to work with. 

  • If you don't have a microwave, don't worry. Just use a bowl above a  saucepan with boiling water. It would take less time, but has long as the marshmallows are getting melted that's the main thing!
  • When you're going to make the cover of the cake or do some decorations, use corn starch to prevent it from getting sticky. It's very easy to just brush off, and it doesn't leave any taste on the fondant. If you cant brush it off, due to small details like rose leaves and such, just use a paintbrush with a little bit of water on.
  • When you want to use it, you can either take it out and and let it soften on the kitchen bench, or you could start working on it right away. It's very hard, but just keep working on those muscles, hehe! 
  • If you want to make decorations like flowers and so on, the dryness take around 2-5 days depending on the thickness on the fondant. I would recommend buying CMC and add to the fondant. This would make the fondant dry faster. 
  • If you want to save it for more then one week, I would recommend sealing in the plastic as well has a completely sealed box in the fridge. This would make it last even longer and even up to 2-3 months.
  • When all done with the covering and the decorations on the cake, keep the cake in the fridge, but place it in rom temperature around 15 min until its ready to be placed on the table. DO NOT have food in the fridge which can transmit the smell over to cake, such as onions and other vegetables and food. If you have a plastic cover in hard materials, which would not destroy the cake or decorations, then it's brilliant, use it!

You can do this, and good luck!! :)

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Monday 4 April 2016

A little update of the last Photoes taken on Instagram, by me!

Here is some pictures from come couple of weeks ago, and back almost all the way to the summer. All nature!! Remember to follow me on Instagram!

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Update about my Cake-world!

So yea, I've been busy with getting a new job and everything, and have been very bad about updating what's going on. So for those who follows me on Instagram and Facebook, have I bought and gotten some new tools and books. For those who haven't seen it. I'm going to tell you now!

So first of all, did I buy this turning table and I actually loves it. Tho, I would recommend cover it with plastic due to easier to clean.
Et bilde publisert av Michelle Larsen (@sachoza)

I've been organizing my baking tool, pans, etc... EVERYTHING that has to do with baking!
Et bilde publisert av Michelle Larsen (@sachoza)

And I made some cool green muffins!
Et bilde publisert av Michelle Larsen (@sachoza)

And bough more Baking things from Cacas!

And I made truffles, chocolate and Troika, which I gave to all my family and friends for Christmas. On the Nougat and Oreo truffles, you can read the recipe here in English and here in Norwegian.
Et bilde publisert av Michelle Larsen (@sachoza)

Look how Yummy, Yummy it looks!

And for Valentines day/Mother's day, we did a simple Chocolate cake with strawberry cheese cream and fondant. Decorated it as simple as "I love you" and some hearts, haha!

And I made just a normal chocolate cake with simple editing again, just cause I wanted chocolate cake!
Et bilde publisert av Michelle Larsen (@sachoza)

And I really needed to convince my boyfriend to buy me this, even tho it was super cheap!

And of cause, my newest book I got for one week ago. I love it!
Et bilde publisert av Michelle Larsen (@sachoza)

And last, I baked Macrons last weekend, with strawberry butter cream! Yummy!

So I guess I need to get going with the baking, hehe!

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